FAQS frequently asked questions
FAQS frequently asked questions
Frequently Asked Questions
FAQS frequently asked questions are widely used to help people solve problems with the hardware or software
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FAQS frequently asked questions
FAQS frequently asked questions are widely used to help people solve problems with the hardware or software
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You should download the latest version of Adobe Flash Player.
Adobe Flash Player is often responsible for video issues. Update your computer, adobe flash player you will be able to fix all your problems and your videos will start working again.
You can find on http://get.adobe.com/flashplayer.
When your Microsoft Office installation is corrupted then you have problems when you are working with some Office applications.
One common problem due to a damaged installation, is that you cannot open (on Double-click) any MS Office documents (Word, Excel or PowerPoint) straight from Windows Explorer and instead of that.
In such cases, the only way to open your documents is by using the File > Open
menu or by dragging and dropping your document (Word, Excel or PowerPoint) inside your corresponding Office Application.
Make sure that you have a PDF reader installed on your computer and it’s working. Open an local file Adobe PDF, which should open as example. If file opens successfully, the computer does not have issues with the reader.
Here is the list of causes and solutions to resolve this issue:
Try following soluttions to fix this issue:
Your User Profile at Miguelabrantes.pt can be accessed via Users -> My Profile
in your dahsboard
You can contact me via email info @ miguelabrantes.pt.
Yes, you can.
For full functionality of this site it is necessary to enable cookies and JavaScript.
A firewall will prevent hackers from accessing a computer. It will also keep your information from being sent out from your computer without your knowledge. Also, it will keep personal information safe.
The browsers store cookies by default, so you can enable ou disable them.
Cookies are small files which are stored on a user’s computer that websites use to recognize repeat visitors. Most browsers store cookies by default, so they’re already enabled for you.
Logging in to WordPress is as simple as visiting your WordPress dashboard URL.
WordPress is a free and open source blogging tool and a content management system (CMS) based on PHP and MySQL.
FAQ means “Frequently Asked Question”
If you have questions about an item, here's how to get answers. As with all mail, in most cases it will be received same day, but occasionally it takes a little longer for answer.
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